Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Will you be the first one.

I was in a lecture today on some new techniques of graft implantation on spinal cord. It was really an important issue with older people and boy it is some complicated stuff. But the question that kept on lingering in my mind the whole time was not exactly related to this. I might be a little bit guilty of not completely listening to the presentaion, but heck whats life without any guilt. Coming to the point, people talking about new surgical methods, new pills, new medicine, I mean they must have tried those on all the animals they can get hold off. Agreed, but how to convince the first person to fall for it. You don't want to the first person on which some medicine is tried. Ya Ya, the FDA bullshit. But tell me one thing does the FDA accept anything without real life experiments not bovine-real. So the option left with the doctors is to try on themselves. Thats a easy thing to do for medicines, but for surgical procedures. Thats some ugly shit. Or they try it out on their relatives. There are advantages for not related to the doctor also. But on a different prospective I feel there would be a pool of volunteer ready to get their body cut open and the surgeons playing with his body parts. All for the advancement of science. Another idea is to ask the guys on death sentence to sign up for these experimentation. It would be win-win situation for them.
Another question I always had, do the doctors go to another if they fall ill? The question is more crutial and intriguing in another profession - hair cutting. Enough crap for today.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Life's like that.

I never used to miss the section in the Reader Digest. It was hillarious but the human element in the stories, when narrated by a person makes it more appealing rather than just flat jokes, which is like laughing on a third person. Thats funny but imperonal. This has nothing to do with whats going to follow. Today is the 5th game between India and Srilanka. Eagerly waiting to watch. Being born in India is a good enough reason to love the game. I am a cricket fanatic, almost. I eat food, drink non-carbonated alcoholic beverages and talk cricket. Ok, coming to the point, I am extremely impressed with the present senario of the ICT (Indian Cricket Team, dumbo). I see a resurgent herd, a motivated leader and a knows-what-he-is-doing coach. And more importantly, they are winning. I just can't believe that part, as it is totally a new concept in Indian team. They used to produce a one great game and gloat on that for an year or so, and then realise that they have slipped to 7th in the whole world, fanic sets in as the public is after their asses. But these guys mean business. Ya, I know if they end up loosing the other three badly, they would appear as wretched as they appear good now. But that doen't mean they don't deserve the accolades they are getting. Imagine 7-0.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Lets have it...

I have to make this quick, as I have a meeting in 30 mins from now. I was surfing this morning and felt to express my views on the topic that has caught bloggers imagination these days. It's about Google Print, the latest tool provided by the software biggie where they have scanned the resourses from 4 of the largest libraries in the world. Though this is in its beta stage, there is a lot of hush-hush going about it. Im my view, this is not a bad idea. Considering the fact that I don't like the idea of ebooks (reading the whole book on a computer screens) and also most of the times it just a page or just a chapter of the whole book which I require, this feature could just work out for me. I would urge the agengies to relax the copyrighting norms to our trusted(???) friend. Go Google!!!!

Am I smart or am I smart....

Who is the winner here