Email Frequency

My 5 Conclusions from the graphic:
1. Email Frequency (EF) increases whenever we have a tournament going on.
2. Increasing trend for EF. EF could be used as a measure of the enthu in the public.
3. Before MACC our average was about 110 per month which increased to 120 per month. This could be due to more information being exchanged and also due to increased enthusiasm.
4. After any tournament we observe a decrease in EF. For the last three tournaments it has been (max-min in %) 1st Rich:40, 2nd Rich:40, MACC:60. The reason could be backlash. After a period of intense cricket we take it easy for a while.
5. In 2nd Richmond season, EF was less than 1st season.
Bonus: I spent the last 45 minutes in this useless activity.