The Crane Wife - The Decemberists
Today I got hold of the new album from the The Decemberists titled The Crane Wife. And from the fact that I am writing about it, it's trivial to guess that either i was really impressed by it or it is one of things that pisses me off. I will not keep the the stupid suspense till the very end like a prime time serial.
Coming back to the music album, for me this would be the best album this year. They are refreshing and invigorating. I don't (read I am not qualified or knowledgeable enough) like to dissect any song or album and comment about the individual items. For me the whole package matters even the album art. And these guys do deliver it. The acoustic song "Shankill Butchers" was my personal favorite if I had to choose one at a gun point (intended pun. If you missed it check the link). And guess what it's informative too. Shankill Butchers was actually criminal organization in Ireland during 70's and 80's. So providing some drinking-talk topic at the same time should be totally appreciated. The rhythm of all the songs is simple and catchy. The songs were very interestingly sequenced, it feels that they were thinking, and thinking right at least for me. They have a couple of 12 minutes songs, and it needs some ass-power to pull it off. And finally about the lyrics, it was dark enough for me. I would rate this the best album of this year. and in the top 5% of my all time.